The aim of real-world evidence (RWE), is to improve healthcare decision-making by complementing data generated from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). While RCTs come in handy to investigate the question ‘Can this health technology work?’, RWE is… Read more
Despite the prevailing trend of “consumerization of information technologies”, many mathematical models in various industries (life science, financial, R&D etc.) remains Excel-based. Yet a few years ago, IT was mostly associated with technical specialists – people… Read more
The Markov model in pharmacoeconomics is used to simulate clinical and economic effects of treatments, compare healthcare programs and aid decision making. What is the Markov model? The Markov model is a mathematical model involving a… Read more
Before investing in a pharmaceutical product or a medical device company, a payer must evaluate the economic value of the proposed intervention. Hence, it’s important to understand modelling methods used to demonstrate the value and the… Read more
Launching a new product in the field of biopharma is a challenge not only for a drug manufacturer, that is pharmaceutical company, but also for marketers working to demonstrate the value. The reason is quite simple:… Read more
HEOR or Health Economics and Outcomes Research – term and job position/function used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is also an emerging field of research in health economics that focuses on providing pharmaceutical and life sciences companies… Read more
Many people are inattentive to their health. Drinking alcohol, smoking, and lack of time for sports. By the age of 50, many chronic diseases appear. Patient engagement apps can help to avoid these health related issues by collecting… Read more
The year 2022 started difficult here in Ukraine, although there are positive news and developments with new partners. We were approached by TriNetX Oncology GmbH (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany) and CancerDataNet GmbH (Basel, Switzerland) with the… Read more
What is value communication in pharmaceuticals? Value Communication in pharmaceutical industry is how a drug manufacturer communicates with its customers (health plans, healthcare providers, patients etc.) to tell them about the attributes of new intervention product… Read more
Most users and content creators who have ever used automated translation tools and API’s like Google, DeepL, Bing, Amazon Translators and some advanced artificial intelligence translation software, know that even though the technology is constantly being… Read more