In recent years multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) has gained interest in healthcare, particularly as a potential methodology for assessing the value drugs. Several frameworks and methodologies have been proposed for developing MCDA tools. However, there is no consensus on the weighting that each criterion should be allocated. This primary data collection tool sought to obtain feedback on the weighting of criteria from clinicians, health economists, insurers, payers, patients and the public. The objective of this survey, which is ongoing, is to establish the weighting preferences of criteria for assessing the value of drugs from people from all walks of life.
By clicking here you can view the MCDA weights data collected from 75+ respondents during ISPOR meeting in Glasgow. Once you submit your data, it will be compared to the pooled results of other respondents. Thank you for your participation! We acknowledge your contribution to the global MCDA weights knowledge base. Survey results will be shared with all respondents.