Market Access Communication Tools

Deliver the product value story and key arguments to healthcare payers and providers in an engaging, effective, tailored and visually appealing manner.

Runs on all devices:

Value communication tools help global and local Market Access teams to effectively manage and communicate the product value story to external decision makers. Combined with custom closed loop marketing and detailed analytics campaigns, value tools allow to understand what areas of the value story need to be improved and refined to meet customers' healthcare goals.

Local tailored messages

Drive stakeholder engagement and maximise the impact of a product value story with a tailored set of visuals and content suited for different payer archetypes and decision maker groups.

Global admin features

Global to Local content adaptations and value story management with complete editorial control and admin functionality, configured to support roles and processes in your biopharma organisation.


Create. Approve. Publish.

Provides complete editorial control and functionality to create, modify and update the value story globally. Supports multiple formats: GVD in Word, health economic Model in Excel, executive summary in PPT and interactive visuals in HTML5.

 Country Localisation

Software architecture supporting unlimited number of coutry-specific localisations, content adaptations and users.


Cloud infrastructure and mobile devices compatibility streamline content updates, distribution and access.

Measure impact and KPI’s

Understand how different communication strategies perform across the portfolio of drugs. Get detailed analytics by drug, country, external stakeholder and value message type.

Obtain relevant analytics and detailed KPI metrics to understand the true impact of the clinical and economic value story.


Continuously refine your value proposition

Record customer reaction and extract perceptions during customer facing to continuously refine and improve the value story and key messages.

Record reaction

With subtle controls, recording customer reaction can happen during or after the customer facing meeting

Set metrics

Create custom analytics campaigns

Design, plan and implement of custom analytics campaigns for detailed analyses of product launch strategies and success/failure factors.




Maximise impact

Maximise impact of the presented materials with interactive tools, objection-handlers, and optimised content demonstration.

Full editorial control

Create, edit and approve global and local adaptations of the value story with no programming effort required.

Obtain insights

Monitor activity and content click-through metrics to understand customers' perceptions and real life impact of the value story.

Flexible Hosting

Value tools are hosted on cloud servers or internally. We configure the platform for your IT infrastructure and security policies.


Discover the value of content digitisation

  • References
  • Interactivity
  • Custom layouts
  • Storytelling